Do you need...

To have all the flexibility of a paper-based notebook in an electronic format?
Data storage that is flexible enough to accommodate your ever changing demands? (without contracting your software provider for new version)
Electronic workflows that are modifiable on demand reflecting changes in your business processes? (SOP revisions, new processes for receiving etc.)
The ability to collect data your way, rather than being restricted by your software design? (commonly-used Excel spreadsheets versus pre-designed LIMS forms)
The ability to retrieve the data you need, as you need it, without asking your software provider for modifications? (expensive, time consuming)
To store unstructured data and quickly find it later?


eSystems answers all these questions without compromising regulatory compliance

eSystems's use of electronic data collectors, combined with automatic audit trails and signature requirements, allow real-time changes to be recorded just as in a paper system.
LIMS can be too structured to accommodate everyday requests for changes. Kalliste eSystems provides data storage that can be modified upon demand without impacting validation status of the entire system.
New SOPs and and other processes are added daily at most businesses. Modifying business processes in eSystems is easy to do and to validate with a user-friendly Business Process Manager.
Kalliste eSystems allows users to design data collectors to collect data in structured or unstructured ways, flexible enough to accommodate both R&D and QC departments. Data can be collected using familiar standard tools such as Excel Spreadsheets, Word Documents,and Web Forms.
Data retrieval is made simple, quick and modifiable through the use of the Query Designer. Queries can be designed by the user as needed.
Kalliste eSystems automatically indexes unstructured data. Full text search capabilities ensure that nothing is missed, allowing mining of previously collected data.

Access to the system
eSystems is a secure web application located on your network protected by modern firewalls and accessed with a browser. Access to eSystems is completely secure with an encrypted SSL connection. Authentication to account can be obtained through centralized MS Active Directory or eSystems LDAP server.

Data Entry
Data entry is accomplished with a variety of customizable web forms and attachments of any type.

Data Access
Data is accessed through the Session List, which displays all experiments from all projects to which a user has access. It allows for easy navigation of experiments. The Session List displays the status of experiment and dynamically controls what actions can be performed by current user. For example, a user can perform data collection or simply view previously recorded data. The Session List can be filtered by name of the experiment, by project, by scientist, by session status, etc. The filter parameters can be combined to narrow search results. Each user can create and save custom filter settings; for instance, "My Experiments in Project A” can display experiments belonging to the current user and recorded for Project A.

Text Search
Previously recorded data can be quickly obtained using Text Search. eSystems indexes all text information upon entry into the system and allows searching using a "Google-like" tool. The picture of gel or the representative chromatogram for example can be easily retrieved with one simple click.

Query is a data mining tool available in eSystems used to find structured data. When data is collected in experiments using data collectors capable to submit a structured data (Web Forms, for example), it is stored in the universal centralized data storage. This data can be retrieved with user-designed queries without accessing the entire experimental record (link to an illustrative picture). Query output can be further filtered. If data contains link to information stored on the Web or within eSystems, Query can accelerate its retrieval. For example (link on a short video), a particular query can return a list of all plasmid vectors in eSystems, along with the links to the vector maps. If the link contains a URL, clicking it the link opens the map in a new browser window. If the map is stored as a file in eSystems, clicking the link opens the map in the application associated with this file type on the user’s computer.

eSystems promotes easy collaboration and teamwork. To Do List is a collaborative tool that helps the team to stay organized and efficient. eSystems can direct a multi-part experiment to a group of collaborators – individual tasks will automatically appear on the To Do Lists of appropriate users. For example, John has performed a set of experiments, and submitted the data to Melissa for review. Melissa can easily find these experiments in her To Do List. If, upon considering the data, she thinks that changes or clarifications need to be made to the experiment, she can send the experiment to John for corrections. At this point, eSystems sends an automatic email notification to John that indicates the experiment requires correction. When John logs into eSystems, he can easily locate the experiment in his To Do List. This mechanism avoids cumbersome emails and transparently controls version content, maintaining author information.

Data Backup
eSystems is deployed as a virtual machine, which significantly reduces installation time and provides a greater level of assurance with respect to disaster recovery. Within the virtual machine, data is backed up using automated, file-level procedures. Outside the virtual machine, the ELNS system is archived using virtual infrastructure tools. Thus, the whole system can be quickly restored intact in case of disaster.


Improved Productivity

  • 50% Reduction in data review time
  • 43% Resource reduction
  • Secure access to data from anywhere
  • 75% Faster overall process in documentation and review
  • Instant access to all collected data
  • 50% Reduction in report and documentation time

Reduced Compliance Risk

  • Compliant Recording - Test Methods, SOPs and Review are enforced by BPM
  • Proactive QA
  • Automated paperwork reduces likelihood of mistakes 60%